Each French person consumes an average of 150 liters of water per day! Each of us, by changing our habits, can reduce our consumption by at least 30%.
To save it, we must first understand how this resource is used on a daily basis:
– 39% for baths and showers
– 20% for toilets
– 12% for laundry
– 6% for watering the garden and cleaning the car
– 1% for drinking water
More and more people want to limit their consumption at home. However, it is at the office that we spend most of our days.
We therefore suggest that you limit your water consumption at work as well.
Here are 10 tips and advice to switch to a more responsible consumption:
1. Detecting leaks
It is important to regularly check the condition of your faucets. Often, all that is required to repair the leak is to change a seal. The flush of the toilet that runs continuously is generally the main source of leakage.
A dripping faucet represents: 4L/hour = 35m3/year = 108€.
A leaking toilet flush represents: 25L/hour = 220m3/year = 684€.
2. Recover and reuse rainwater
Rainwater can be used for all activities for which drinking water is not necessary. The recovery of rainwater allows to save the resource but also to limit the risks of flooding and their harmful consequences.
3. Install low-flow faucets
The low-flow faucet allows you to reduce the flow rate when opening the faucet, thus avoiding using a large (too large) quantity when it is not necessary.
4. Install dual-flush toilets
A conventional toilet flush alone represents between 9 and 12 liters. The installation of a dual-flow system allows you to limit consumption to 3 or 6 liters depending on your needs.
5. Turn off the water when washing dishes
Is an explanation really necessary?
6. Watch the water flow when it is heated
We all like to wash our hands with hot water in the winter, but beware of overuse! Watch when it runs to heat up. There’s no need to let it run for 2 minutes when a few seconds is more than enough.
7. Install automatic faucets
They are not only more hygienic but also save up to 70% of water compared to manual taps.
8. Replace your old toilet
Au premier regard, on pourrait croire qu’il y a bien peu de différences entre toutes les toilettes. Pourtant, vos vieilles consomment 2 à 3 fois plus que des toilettes modernes. Faire ce changement, c’est économiser des milliers de litres par an et réduire drastiquement sa facture.
9. Turn off the taps and the water meter
When the building is not occupied, for example during vacations.
10. Use 100% recycled paper and limit printing
La production de papier nécessite une importante consommation hydraulique, particulièrement le procédé de blanchissement du papier. Remplacer le papier blanchi par du papier recyclé non blanchi engendre environ 90% d’économies d’eau et 50% d’économies d’énergie !!